Basics of Stem Cell Therapy and Its Application in Pediatric Surgery Field/ 

العنوان بلغة أخرى: أسس العلاج باستخدام الخلايا الجذعية وتطبيقاتها في مجال جراحة الأطفال/ 
المؤلف الرئيسي: Mahmoud, Mohamed Ali
مؤلفين آخرين: Amr Abd Elhameed Zaki, Tarek Ahmed Hassan (مشرف)
التاريخ الميلادي: 2014
الصفحات: 127/ 
نوع المحتوى: رسائل جامعية
اللغة: الإنجليزية
الدرجة العلمية رسالة دكتوراه
الجامعة Ain Shams University/ Faculty of Medicine/General Surgery 
الدولة مصر
المصدر: غير محدد
الحالة تمت المناقشة
قواعد المعلومات: Thesis
المستخلص: A stem cell is an undifferentiated cell with undetermined function/ which can differentiate into the three embryonic germ layers / The history of stem cell research started in mid 1800’s and since then researcher tried to make a much progress in that fiel
الوصف A stem cell is an undifferentiated cell with undetermined function/ which can differentiate into the three embryonic germ layers / The history of stem cell research started in mid 1800’s and since then researcher tried to make a much progress in that fiel
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خلاصة: A stem cell is an undifferentiated cell with undetermined function/ which can differentiate into the three embryonic germ layers / The history of stem cell research started in mid 1800’s and since then researcher tried to make a much progress in that fiel
الوصف المادي: 127/ 

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