Recent Trends in Diagnosis and Management of Cholangiocarcinoma 

العنوان بلغة أخرى: الوسائل الحديثه في تشخيص و علاج سرطان القنوات المراريه/ 
المؤلف الرئيسي: Metry, Mario Elia Zarif
مؤلفين آخرين: Ashraf Farouk Abadeer, Mohamed Mahfouoz M. Omar  (مشرف)
التاريخ الميلادي: 2011
الصفحات: 175/ 
نوع المحتوى: رسائل جامعية
اللغة: الإنجليزية
الدرجة العلمية رسالة دكتوراه
الجامعة Ain Shams University/Faculty of Medicine General Surgery 
الدولة مصر
المصدر: غير محدد
الحالة تمت المناقشة
قواعد المعلومات: Thesis
المستخلص: Perihilar cholangiocarcinoma includes extrahepatic and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas that involve the hepatic confluence of the bile duct / Although this intractable disease used to be difficult to resect as a result of complex anatomy of the hepatic h
الوصف Perihilar cholangiocarcinoma includes extrahepatic and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas that involve the hepatic confluence of the bile duct / Although this intractable disease used to be difficult to resect as a result of complex anatomy of the hepatic h
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خلاصة: Perihilar cholangiocarcinoma includes extrahepatic and intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas that involve the hepatic confluence of the bile duct / Although this intractable disease used to be difficult to resect as a result of complex anatomy of the hepatic h
الوصف المادي: 175/ 

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