العنوان بلغة أخرى: تخدير الإجراءات والجراحات الخاصة بالجنين 
المؤلف الرئيسي: Mohamed, Ali Mohamed Ali 
مؤلفين آخرين: Ahmed Mohamed Shafik Hamed, Zakaria Abd Alaziz Moustafa (مشرف)
التاريخ الميلادي: 2010
الصفحات: 143 
نوع المحتوى: رسائل جامعية
اللغة: الإنجليزية
الدرجة العلمية رسالة ماجستير
الجامعة Faculty of Medicine Ain Shams University
الدولة مصر
المصدر: غير محدد
الحالة تمت المناقشة
قواعد المعلومات: Thesis
المستخلص: In 1980s, the experiences of many years of work in the animal laboratory were translated to the operating room, and open fetal surgery was first performed on humans. Much of this work was performed at the University of California, Fetal Treatment Center a
الوصف In 1980s, the experiences of many years of work in the animal laboratory were translated to the operating room, and open fetal surgery was first performed on humans. Much of this work was performed at the University of California, Fetal Treatment Center a
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خلاصة: In 1980s, the experiences of many years of work in the animal laboratory were translated to the operating room, and open fetal surgery was first performed on humans. Much of this work was performed at the University of California, Fetal Treatment Center a
الوصف المادي: 143 

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